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Joseph was born in Paris on October 22, 1961. He lives and works in the south of France.

Present on the artistic scene since 1985, Joseph is influenced by all the symbols of a popular culture of mass, he is part of this new generation of prolix artists animated by a desire of dialogue in opposition to the radicality of the 70s. Drawing on the work of his peers, this visual artist uses all media and hijacks the old papers that are witnesses of our contemporary culture.

After studying architecture at the EDPI and then graphic arts at the Sornas school, Joseph completed his preparation for the Ecole des Beaux Arts where he studied painting and drawing, his dilettantism leading him more often to walk the aisles of Parisian museums than the corridors of the Rue Bonaparte.
While the work of the New Realists, mainly Hains and Villeglé, fascinated him, it was his meeting with Antoni Tapiès that proved to be decisive.
He wonders about the question of the essential intervention of pigments and pastes as the only form of expression.
This is actually the moment where our own reason start to see.

OriginFrenchMovementNew RealismKnown forsymbolic message on a wall sculptureShare

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